YEAR 2024
YEAR 2024
Happy New Year from our family to yours!
We traveled to 3 new states one being roadtrip where our family bonded, we got a puppy, we added a patio to our home and shot 10 weddings, three branding projects one being published in a New York magazine.
Wow! What a year it has been!
Two words to describe the year of 2023 “FORGIVEN AND SET FREE.”
I went on a journey of healing. A journey where I saw another level of God through forgiveness. Where I learned that forgiveness is the key to living happy, and at peace, where choosing to forgive is the power to living a life full of joy and not isolation. I chose to forgive my enemies, being myself! I chose to walk away from hurt. I chose to say, “yes” to God. Wow! What a year of healing through the power of forgiveness.
I have heard the story of Jesus dying on the cross to forgive our sins so many times, but this year God took me on the greatest adventure of digging deeper into the story of forgiveness. I chose to hate, I chose to live a life full of secrets and lies, because we were created to be sinners, we were created to fall into temptation, but the amazing thing is that Jesus planned all this for us to find redemption.
But how do you find redemption?
By facing shame. By allowing God to disrupt your “perfect” living; (in your mind you are living perfect and keeping things away from people). But here is the craziest thing God always turns our paths when we are digging oursleves deeper into darkness. You see, I believed that I knew God I believed that I was a believer because I had been baptized, raised in church, and I could recite the Bible, even I thought I had a relationship with God. It was not until the day he took me through the valley of shame…
2023 God taught me that I was just like Adam and Eve, full of sin and shame so I hid. He taught me that I knew of God because of my parents, he taught me that I had been planted the word underground in darkness and the fruits of my heart were actually growing under ground, in darkness. He revealed that I was growing in loneliness, he revealed I was growing in bitterness because the roots of the seed was getting too big and did not have anymore space to grow. So he took me from the root up exposing all the ugly and shameful things to light. He planted a new seed a seed of redemption. He planted forgiveness and he washed my soul white as snow! WHITE AS SNOW!! The power of forgiveness is very special and very personal.
In 2024 I want to bless your home with “REDEMPTION THROUGH FORGIVENESS” I want to invite you to choose to forgive. Forgiveness is not for the other person/situation IT IS FOR YOU!! Living a shackled life is not fun, and trust me living a life of un-forgiveness is exactly what the enemy wants, he comes to isolate you because his main goal is to destroy you then shame you. Today I pray that you come to find yourself forgiving and living again.
With that being said, I also want to share a dream God planted when I was 16yrs old. A vision that he gave me, but I never believed it. Through this journey of healing God planted this dream once again to write a book. So in 2024 I will be taking less weddings and less photography gigs to move forward with this new journey. I am not sure what this book will be about, but I will allow God to lead me unto this journey, and I cannot wait to share more about it! 2024 is a year to harvest broken dreams.
“For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” - Genesis 17:19
Blessing upon blessings!
-Indeliza Koster